Almost everyone needs a little extra cash from time to time. The good news is that the internet has made it possible to earn money without ever stepping outside your apartment. Using a variety of online tools, you can earn a few extra bucks or even a few thousand dollars per month. Here are some fun ways to earn extra cash online that don't require a full-time commitment.
You have years of life experience to share with others. Use that experience to start a blog about one of your favorite hobbies. Have you spent years gardening and learning how to keep plants alive in the Arlington, Texas, heat? A gardening blog is a great way to share your knowledge. Do you quilt, sew or do some other type of craft? Creating online tutorials can help you make extra cash while you enjoy your hobby.
Your blog won't make money overnight, but if you publish new content consistently, you may be able to earn extra cash by displaying digital ads, securing sponsorships from relevant businesses or starting a members-only area that gives subscribers access to premium content in exchange for a monthly membership fee. In some cases, companies also send product samples to bloggers in exchange for honest reviews. For example, if you start a blog about cooking, you may qualify to receive free products from a company that sells cooking utensils.
You don't have to do a lot of work to earn extra cash. It can be as simple as using certain websites to earn cash back on your everyday purchases. Depending on the site, you may earn money simply for uploading your receipt, or you may have to buy specific products to get cash back. For example, an app may offer a reward of $0.50 for buying a certain brand of yogurt. Earn extra cash with the following apps:
Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing program has evened the playing field for people who want to write about their experiences without having to work with a traditional publisher. As a result, you can earn extra money by writing short books and publishing them via KDP. If you're interested in writing fiction, cozy mysteries, historical fiction, women's fiction and detective novels are some of the most popular genres. You can also make money by writing nonfiction books about topics you know well. For example, if you were a plumber before you retired, you could use your knowledge of plumbing to write a short book on how to save money on plumbing repairs.
To publish your book, you'll need to format it according to the Kindle guidelines and upload an attractive cover, but don't panic. Freelancers are available to help with formatting and graphic design, eliminating the need for you to handle these tasks on your own. If you need ideas on what to write, look around your assisted living apartment or visit the on-site library to page through several books and see what other authors are doing.
If you have experience with bookkeeping or working as a secretary, you can earn extra cash by offering your services to local companies. You don't even need to leave your assisted living apartment to make money — all you have to do is offer your services online. Businesses pay virtual assistants to create spreadsheets, enter information into QuickBooks, prepare correspondence and take care of other administrative tasks. Using tools such as email, Microsoft Office and Dropbox, you can complete and deliver the work from home, eliminating the need to travel to a client's office.
Taking online surveys is another way to earn quick cash. While some surveys pay $5 or more, others pay just a few cents or a dollar each, so this is a good way to earn enough money for an occasional cup of coffee or trip to a local restaurant, not a full-time opportunity. You can increase the amount you earn each month by signing up for multiple panels. Be aware that some panels have strict requirements regarding the characteristics of members; for example, you may not qualify for a panel unless you have a certain amount of work experience. Read the requirements carefully before submitting an application to avoid wasting time.
If getting paid for your opinions appeals to you, sign up with one of these sites:
Several websites, including Udemy and Teachable, make it easy to create online courses and offer them to paid subscribers. You don't need dozens of years of experience in a subject area to teach online; if you know something well enough to be comfortable teaching someone about it, you can earn money by sharing your knowledge with others. For example, if you've been knitting for a few years, you know way more about it than someone who is just getting started. To maximize your earnings, have a friend record your tutorials and post them within the course. Visual learners will appreciate the video content.
Bethesda Gardens senior living community in Arlington, Texas, has a library and a computer center, giving you the resources you need to make money online. Earn extra cash by trying one of these money-making methods.
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